In order to care for additional non-related children (up to five) who receive a subsidy from either the State of New Jersey or Mercer County, the provider must be State-registered. The payment rate for State-registered providers is significantly higher than the subsidy paid to FFN providers. State-registered family child care providers can get referrals from their Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agency, which in Mercer County is Child Care Connection. Registered providers can also participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program.
- April, May, & June CPR Classes Scheduled!
- Providers to Begin Collecting Co-Pays from Families Effective Aug. 1
- Mercer County EC Shared Services Alliance is Now Accepting New Membership Applications
- Next Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED classes SCHEDULED!
- Check Out the Latest Edition of Our Family Connections Calendar