E-Child Care Started on January 1, 2012. Click below to read an important message from the Department of Human Services:
E-Child Care DHS Statewide Implementation-English (PDF)
E-Child Care DHS Statewide Implementation-Spanish (PDF)
What is E-Child Care?
Child Care Subsidies will be managed through the e-Child Care program. This system tracks and verifies attendance in child care programs. It will get rid of having to submit vouchers and allow providers to get paid quicker. In addition, the system will allow providers to:
– Find out about a child’s authorization;
– See who is registered at their center;
– Obtain daily check in/out report and;
– See other reports on enrollment and attendance.
E-Child Care: Providers Section
Below is important information regarding e-Child Care for centers, family child care providers, and approved home providers (FFN):
- Providers can check their account anytime and access reference guides and manuals on the Provider Web Portal at: http://echildcarenj.org/eccpw or by calling the provider helpline at 877-516-5776.
- E-Child Care FAQ-FCC and Approved Home Providers (PDF): Read if you are a family care provider, an approved home (FFN), or a center serving five and fewer children receiving subsidies.
- E-Child Care FAQ-Child Care Centers (PDF): Read if you are a child care center serving more than five children receiving subsidies.
- ECC Provider POS User Manual (PDF): Updated 2017.
- ECC Provider IVR User Manual (PDF): Updated 2017.
- IVR Provider Quick Reference Guide (PDF) Please refer to page two of the document if you are a family child care provider or a center with five or fewer children on a subsidy.
- E-Child Care Description of Error Codes (PDF) Use this guide to identify ECC error codes and their solution.
- E-Child Care List of Common Error Codes (PDF) State-issued list of common error codes for the ECC system.
- POS Device Quick Reference Guide (Haitian/Creole) For centers with six or more children on subsidy. Please post to assist Haitian-Creole-speaking parents with the check-in/check-out process.
- POS Device Quick Reference Guide (English) For centers with six or more children on subsidy. Please post to assist English-speaking parents with the check-in/check-out procedure.
- POS Device Quick Reference Guide (Portuguese) For centers with six or more children on subsidy. Please post to assist Portuguese-speaking parents with the check-in/check-out process.
- POS Device Quck Reference Guide (Polish) For centers with six or more children on subsidy. Please post to assist Polish-speaking parents with the check-in/check-out process.
- POS Device Quick Reference Guide (Spanish) For centers with six or more chidren on subsidy. Please post to assist Spanish-speaking parents with the check-in/check-out process.
- E-Child Care Use Mandate Letter for Providers This is the official letter from the State notifiying providers they must track all subsidized attendance using the new ECC system effective July 1, 2012.
- E-Child Care Provider Payment Discrepancy Form This form can be completed to report a payment discrepancy before Child Care Connection can generate an ECC manual attendance log.
- E-Child Care Discrepancy Procedure Read this letter for an explanation of the ECC Provider Payment Discrepancy Form.
- e-Child Care Provider Closure Calendar – Please submit closure calendars for the 2021-22 contract year. Calendars can be mailed, faxed (609/989-8060) or e-mailed () to Child Care Connection. The State allows for up to 22 paid closures per contract year, not to exceed five closures per month. Emergency closings will be included in the 22-day maximum.
- Provider Report of Termination of Child Care Services for Children on Subsidy
- Provider Notification Form for Non-Payment of Co-Pay
- Department of Health Summer Youth Camp Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) Application Requirements
- New Jersey Child Care Subsidy Youth Camp Registration Form
- Summer Youth Camps – NJ Child Care Care Subsidy Program Registration Requirements
- State Instruction on Changes in Reimbursement Rates for Programs Caring for Children with Special Needs
- Child Care Assistance for Families Experiencing Homelessness: Information for Providers
- e-Child Care Contract Year 2024-25 Schedule of Payment Dates
- WFNJ Transportation Voucher 1st Quarter 2024
- WFNJ Transportation Voucher 2nd Quarter 2024
- WFNJ Transportation Voucher 3rd Quarter 2024
- WFNJ Transportation Voucher 4th Quarter 2024
E-Child Care: Parents Section
Below is important information regarding e-Child Care for parents:
- Parents who have issues with their card or PIN or who have lost their card can call 800-997-3333.
- Click here for steps on how to activate and use your card
- Parents may request up to two (2) alternate cards for family/friends that pick up or drop off their child(ren). Please print out the Parent E-Child Card Request Form and return it to Child Care Connection completed in order to process your request. (Clicking on link will open the form.)
- E-Child Care FAQ-Parents-English (PDF): Read if you are a parent/guardian with a child or children on a subsidy program (Ex: Work First NJ, NJ Cares for Kids, DOE Wrap-Around).
- E-Child Care FAQ-Parents-Español (PDF): Lea si usted es un padre/tutor con un niño o los niños en un programa de subsidio (Ex: Work First NJ, NJ Cares for Kids, DOE Wrap-Around).
- IVR Parent Quick Reference Guide (PDF) Please refer to page one of document if you are a parent using a family child care provider or a center with fewer than five children on a subsidy.
- E-Child Care Use Mandate Letter for Parents (PDF) Letter from State informing parents they must begin using the ECC system in order for provider to be reimbursed for subsidized care effective July 1, 2012.
- E-Child Care Tips for Parents (PDF) Flyer in English and Spanish with helpful tips for parents using the ECC system.
For more information about e-Child Care, call us at 609-989-9010 or visit the State of NJ Department of Human Services website.
E-Child Care FAQ
- What is e-Child Care?
e-Child Care (ECC) is the way of reporting child care attendance and absences. Parents or their designees record attendance by using either a telephone (Interactive Voice Response (IVR) or a card-reading machine called a Point of Service (POS) device at the child care location. Payment is dispersed based on the attendance that is recorded.
- How does ECC work?
Parents swipe daily using the Point of Service device at the child care program or call into the child-care provider’s Interactive Voice Response system and do the check-in and -out for child care. The payment will be dispersed based on the attendance that is recorded.
- How do I get a card?
Your Families First card will be mailed to you along with an information sheet to create a PIN. Families can get up to two additional cards for people who they authorize to drop off or pick up their children from child care. Additional cards can be obtained by contacting your CCR&R.
Parents who already have a Families First card may be able to use the existing card to access child care benefits. You should contact the CCR&R to link your existing cards.
- How do I report absences/illness for my child?
Use any of these options:
- You can report absences from any phone, anywhere;
- You can use a phone for absence reporting, even if your provider uses a POS device;
- You can report absences on the POS device at your location of care once your child has returned to care during the back-swipe period (today, plus the previous 13 days).
- Do I have to use the ECC system
Yes. The State will only pay a provider for care that was recorded in the ECC system.
- What happens if I don’t swipe or call-in to record my child’s attendance?
You can catch up on missing days by using the “back swipe” feature, which allows for “Previous Check-In” and “Previous Check-Out” transactions.
The back-swipe period is the time period that includes the current day of service plus the previous 13 days. This is the period when all transactions, including check-ins, check-outs, voids, sick and absences must be recorded for payment to be made; however, if you fail to utilize the ECC system, you may be responsible for paying your provider for attendance not recorded. It is important that you remain current with your attendance.
- Can I give my card to my provider and let them do the reporting for me?
No. Giving your card to your child care provider is a misuse of the card. It can result in termination from the program!
- When do providers get paid?
Payments are for a two-week pay cycle and are deposited on the date specified in the payment schedule. Current ECC payment dates are posted on the ECC provider web portal: www.echildcarenj.org
- How do absent/sick days work?
Providers are paid two “absent days” in a two-week period of service. The child must be in attendance 80 percent of the time for the absent days to be paid. Sick days, however, will be paid for a total of five days in a two-week period and should be reported by the parent through the ECC System.
- Do providers get paid for closure days?
Providers are given 22 days annually that they can use for closures. Providers are advised to reserve some days for unexpected closures in the event of an emergency or inclement weather. Closure days can only be paid at a maximum of five days in one payment cycle in the Electronic Payment Processing Information Control (EPPIC) system. Providers must submit their scheduled closure calendar in advance to your CCR&R; they should report any emergency closures immediately.
- How do I check my payments as a provider?
The provider portal helps providers to see payments made. Providers can check transactions and agreements. For training on how to navigate the portal, Child Care Connection has an electronic child care specialist who can train providers individually. Providers are encouraged to check their portal regularly to ensure that families are checking in and out correctly.