This a provider who does not wish to become State registered and is typically providing child care for a family member, friend, or neighbor who is eligible to receive a State child care subsidy. Most frequently, FFN providers care for the children in the home of the parent rather than their own home (in-home), but could be caring for the children in his/her own home. An FFN provider is an individual who has been evaluated and approved by the NJ Department of Human Services/Division of Family Development (DHS/DFD) or its designee and serves no more than two unrelated children or five related children for fewer than 24 hours of care per day.
- April, May, & June CPR Classes Scheduled!
- Providers to Begin Collecting Co-Pays from Families Effective Aug. 1
- Mercer County EC Shared Services Alliance is Now Accepting New Membership Applications
- Next Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED classes SCHEDULED!
- Check Out the Latest Edition of Our Family Connections Calendar