Child Care Connection must receive a referral from a WFNJ case manager at the Mercer County One-Stop Career Center to begin the child care process. Referrals are processed in the order in which they are received. Counselors will attempt to contact parents with 24 to 48 hours of receiving the referral. Although referrals are handled as expeditiously as possible, several factors will impact the length of time before staff are able to reach you for your child care needs, including inaccurate telephone numbers or e-mail addresses, full voice mailboxes or voicemails that aren’t set up, inaccurate or incomplete case information, and case manager availability. It is important to allow time to arrange care versus attempting to make arrangements the day before child care is needed.
- April, May, & June CPR Classes Scheduled!
- Providers to Begin Collecting Co-Pays from Families Effective Aug. 1
- Mercer County EC Shared Services Alliance is Now Accepting New Membership Applications
- Next Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED classes SCHEDULED!
- Check Out the Latest Edition of Our Family Connections Calendar