To access these trainings:
- Create an account in the New Jersey Child Care Information System (NJCCIS)
- How do I create an account? Watch this video or follow these how-to instructions.
- Log-in
- Go to the “Registry” tab at the top of your screen
- Click on the training and select your preferred language
Health and Safety Basics – Online Training
- Takes you to the NJCCIS registration page. To view and register for individual events, click “Select.”
- After registering you will receive a link to the training.
- You can start on or after the “Begin Date,” but must complete the training within two weeks/before the “End Date.”
- You may start and stop until you complete the training.
Mandated Reporter/Child Abuse and Neglect Training
- Takes you to the actual training.
This training must be completed in one sitting (approximately 90-120 min.)