Child Abuse and Neglect Complaints
In New Jersey, any person having reasonable cause to believe that a child has been subjected to abuse or acts of abuse is legally obligated to immediately report this information to the State Central Registry (SCR). If the child is in immediate danger, call 911 as well as 1–877 NJ ABUSE (652–2873). A concerned caller does not need proof to report an allegation of child abuse and can make the report anonymously. For more information regarding how to file a report, Click Here – Tips for Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect.
Against a Child Care Connection Program or Staff Person
If you have a complaint regarding a Child Care Connection program or service, please call the agency’s main number (609-989-7770) and ask to be connected to the supervisor of the appropriate department. If the complaint is against an individual, please ask to be directed to the individual’s supervisor. If the complaint is regarding the executive director, please ask to be connected to the director of Human Resources.
We encourage you to submit the complaint in writing. If you are a parent and believe you were unjustly terminated from the New Jersey Cares for Kids child care subsidy program, please direct all correspondence to Child Care Connection (Attn: NJCK Program Manager). The NJCK supervisor will provide information on how to appeal.
Child Care Connection will investigate complaints and respond accordingly.
For complaints against a provider or child care center, see the “Against Providers” section below.
Against Providers
A complaint is an allegation that a child care provider is not following state regulations that govern a specific type of care.
Office of Licensing (OOL), the licensing and regulatory authority of the NJ State Department of Children & Families, inspects and licenses child care centers. A complaint against a child care center should be reported directly to OOL (toll-free) at 877-667-9845.
Family child care providers in New Jersey are registered through the county’s Sponsoring Organization (list of sponsoring organizations for each county in New Jersey). Child Care Connection is the sponsoring organization for Mercer County and is responsible for registering and monitoring registered family child care providers in Mercer County to ensure compliance with state regulations. Child Care Connection also investigates complaints against these registered family child care providers. A complaint against a registered family child care provider in Mercer County should be directed to the Resource Development Department at Child Care Connection, (609) 989-7770, ext. 154 or ext. 140.
You may remain anonymous if you prefer. However, if you remain anonymous, Child Care Connection staff will not be able to call you with the results at the conclusion of the investigation.
Please be prepared to provide the following information:
– Name of the provider
– Address
– Statement of Complaint/Problem
– How you became aware of the problem
If the nature of the complaint indicates child abuse or neglect, you will be directed to the Office of Child Abuse Control at DYFS, (877) NJABUSE. Only DYFS investigates child abuse/neglect allegations. All information regarding child abuse and neglect remains confidential and is not open to the public for review.
If the complaint is not related to child abuse or neglect, Child Care Connection will investigate the complaint. If a complaint is substantiated, CCC may provide technical assistance to the provider to help the provider come into compliance with regulations. Additional visits to the provider may be necessary to ensure compliance with regulations. The complaint remains confidential until the completion of the investigation, at which time the complaint becomes public information and remains in the provider’s file.